ugh...makes your eyes feel all funny...

Where violence in many films is fairly non-specific, featuring large scale explosions and distant gunshots, the hyper-real strategies of presenting violence in le Chien Andalou bring the focus back in to a scale so intimate it becomes impossible to avoid projecting yourself into the scenario.  The realities of the violence presented in the opening scene of le Chien Andalou – where a woman in a chair has her eyeball sliced open by a recently stropped razor blade, spilling its contents onto her cheek – are presented in such exacting detail that you can’t help mentally pulling the razor across your own eye. Where other dystopic films use violence to shake the viewer’s sense of security, le Chien Andalou powerfully reminds you of what exactly can be done to the human body.
In the dystopia of the hyper real, the threat comes in the form of your own bodies thrilling inherent vulnerability.

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